i dont care if he was born here or not. Our society would be better without people like him in the country.
This 'deport them' or 'kick them out' tirade is becoming rather boring. If every country deported their scumbags then the whole world would just end up recycling them! Or do you suggest we build an island to house them on?
Matches matches do not touch they can hurt you very much Little prick, hope he suffers from his burns.
I think Bully hit the nail on the head whn he said we should burn them. The guy in question does not deserve another chance in our society. The guy hasnt even accepted he has done wrong. He didnt tell the poplice who the other people were involved. He didnt show any signs of remorse etc. Thats because he knows he'll be out of prison in no time and back to his criminal life. People like that cant be refromed thats why they constantly brake the law. They have nop respect for the law or society. I dont know where he was born but seeing as his name isnt John Smith he is probably not of British decent and we might have a chance to get this scumbag out of our country and prevent him committing a further crime. Maybe next time someone else will get burned who doesnt deserve it.