In so far Sme Garrincha Burg Reddevil Jason Papa Zydus Setup and roles will be sent out 8th April for the game to start on 10th April.
On a stag do the 14th-16th so will likely give this one a miss, potential to be backup for anyone struggling the following week though.
Just want to say, I'm probably not going to post much mafia stuff in school because they require brainwork until I'm back home, so anticipate 19 hours gap (maximum, on average will be like 16 hours)
In so far Sme Garrincha Burg Reddevil Jason Papa Zydus David Hashtag Josh Backup potential Stillhurts Setup and roles will be sent out 8th April for the game to start on 10th April.
Happy to be in - if you need the numbers but it’ll be half term so it’ll be entertaining a 4 year old all day. Few hours sleep and work all night for me, so my most active hours would be over night when no one else is about.
I have created a Haryy Potter themed mafia game. Obviously everyone will have powers, like before. I would love to run it after Frosty's game, if people are interested.
In so far Sme Garrincha? Burg Reddevil Jason Papa Zydus Hashtag Josh Sgt? Sign ups open till 15th April, aim to get the game started 17th April.