Atleast you did it properly and had a good few thousand on there whereas Blackpool did look a little silly as there were only a couple hundred doing it while everyone else shit out and sat on their hands in the stands
I know a young guy from Lancaster who knows the Oyston family pretty well. Apparently he went to school with his son who owns (daddy's money) the hotel next to Bloomfield Road. He also said he's the most spoilt brat he's ever met. Daddy bought him a twenty four room house (which only he lives in) and a top of the range porcshe car (when he was just 17) He also told me only last week that Karl Oyston deliberately planned to hijack Blackpool FC and use it as a cash making machine and he's quite open, even boastful about it. All in all he thinks they're a horrible greedy set of nasty individuals who seem to delight in flaunting their wealth and laughing in peoples faces! Oh err.....
So the football league have decided that there will be no replay because the game had no bearing on promotion or relegation. That is a very dangerous precedent to set They will make a decision on the points on the 14th May.
We've had some shite owners over the years but sometimes I'm grateful for small mercies. The Oystons are the worst cretins in English football.
Hopefully not. Some people bought a 2 year season ticket at the beginning of the season as they were conned into the 'Riga Revolution' I won't be going in the ground again as a paying customer and it hurts as a Blackpool fan of nearly 30 years
I have to agree with you, If they are not going to replay the match, Or at least continue from the minute it as abandoned, They should award the win to you guys 3-0 as is what normally happens in cases.
Its utterly disgusting how the FA / Football League won't get involved in sorting out the Oyston ownership of your club, If it were a Premiership club the FA / Premier League would be up in arms about it, And booting him out etc. I hope it gets sorted, Just for the fans!
Good luck Blackpool i hope you get these horrible cu.nts out of your club and the game, you deserve better than what you've got.
I know how the Blackpool fans are feeling - we went through the same thing with our former loan shark owner Steve Hayes who nearly ruined our club, but we came through it and are now trust-owned and doing ok on the pitch.
I don't think they're so much to blame though, it's what's so sinister about the Oystons that apart from the odd lapse like those texts they're playing this all very legalistic so that FA/Football League can't act because they're constrained by their own rules and powerless until they get broken. Privately I'm sure most of the FA and FL's members and management are in utter disgust at what's going on. While what they're doing is morally repulsive they haven't really broken any major rules yet for official purposes. I think the only hope Blackpool fans really have is to lure the Oystons into letting their guard down and breaking any rules which will bring the FA/FL into play, otherwise I can't see what hope they've got. The only realistic way is likely to outsmart them at their own game.
Nah they will definitely award you the win, 3 or 4 nil would be my guess. They have to or it will set a very dangerous precedent. But every genuine fan out there will be backing the Blackpool fans 100%. This could happen to anyone, the lack of respect that the club and fans have been shown by these charlatans is sickening.
The proof of your theory will be in the pudding; the FA/FL ought to fine them the maximum it can. I assume Blackpool were charged after the tennis ball incident so time for suspended punishments are long since past. Throw the absolute book at them.
Should find out at some point today what the outcome of this match will be. Hopefully a 3-0 and more importantly 3 points to Town.
The football league have decided the match will be recorded as 0-0 So next time your team needs a point for promotion or to avoid relegation on the pitch it is Lunacy