Rangers fans continue to sing same old songs but no one will tackle the bigots

Discussion in 'Scottish Football' started by KeepOnHooping, Mar 22, 2011.

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  1. KeepOnHooping

    KeepOnHooping Ireland's number 1

    May 15, 2009
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    Graham Spiers Commentary
    Last updated March 22 2011 12:01AM

    Another week, another excruciating example of the problem Rangers have with a large section of their support. Walter Smith’s team, going into Sunday’s Co-operative Insurance Cup final as underdogs, won quite a few admirers for their gritty 2-1 win over Celtic.

    Alas, no one who was at Hampden Park as a neutral, and who had any understanding of the type of songs that were being sung, could have found anything remotely appealing in the antics of the Rangers support.

    For fully 120 minutes the Ibrox legions belted out stuff about the Pope, ******s, and some of their other favoured subjects.

    Quite a few of us have become used to “the Rangers problem” over the years but Sunday at Hampden was still quite an eye-opener. It was the consistent, incessant nature of the bigoted chanting that was truly shocking.

    One of the problems we have in tackling bigotry in Scottish football is the sheer ignorance of the subject that we have to put up with. For instance, Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, clearly didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, to judge from the fatuous statement he released after attending the match at Hampden.

    After the prejudiced chants had boomed out, the following was MacAskill’s take on the whole spectacle. “This was the showpiece everyone wanted to see — it was a great advert for Scottish football,” he said. “The players, management and fans contributed to a memorable occasion, and I urge that their positive example inside the ground is replicated outside it over the course of the evening and beyond. Football is a force for good in society.”

    Given the nature of what was chanted inside Hampden, this was an utterly ludicrous statement. MacAskill, clearly, is totally unfamiliar with the sort of problems given an airing at Hampden if he thinks that the sort of chanting which the Rangers fans kept up apace represented “fans contributing to a memorable occasion.” This is risible.

    I didn’t expect a Rangers statement yesterday on the shocking tone of their supporters’ singing, and nor was one forthcoming. Rangers’ preferred position on their problem is this: let’s just have a general media silence on the subject, and let’s keep any fuss to a minimum. From Rangers’ point of view, the fewer headlines there are about their problem, the less need there is of any requirement to act.

    But that is a tough scenario to hope for. The Ibrox club have already been censured by Uefa over bigotry, and more than that, a number of Rangers supporters’ songs have specifically been banned by European football’s governing body. So it is asking a lot for every newspaper to turn a blind eye (or deaf ear) towards songs which have repeatedly been outlawed.

    What is more galling for those who want to be rid of this poison is the seeming ignorance — such as was revealed by MacAskill — or inability in government or police circles to be able to fix it.

    Hampden on Sunday rang out to bigoted chanting from the Rangers end, yet the police statistics for “sectarian-related crimes” were paltry, never mind MacAskill’s absurd words about how wonderful it all was.

    This isn’t government action. On the contrary, this is inaction, and even incompetence. The truth is, we are getting nowhere today with the problem of sectarianism in football. In fact, we are regressing, Edinburgh summits or not, at an alarming rate.

    Rangers, in trying to fight their own specific problem, have lost ground. Indeed, if you were at Hampden on Sunday, with bigoted chant after chant ringing out, you would think that the club had gone back ten years in their quest to solve the problem. And for many others, meanwhile, it actually means very little.

    OK, so there is sectarian chanting, they say. So what? What does it matter? Just let it go, let’s just concentrate on the football.

    Rangers lack the guts to truly take on their own support on the issue, and the same applies for the Scottish FA.

    The docking of points really would force the bigots to stop their chanting, and the SFA has the power to do this, but it is too scared to.

    Meanwhile, too many other people won’t touch this problem with a bargepole, claiming the accompanying aggro that comes with such debate simply isn’t worth it.

    So Scotland just goes on living with its embarrassing bigotry problem. Ignorance, incompetence and cowardice ensure it.

    Well in Speirs, Scotland's Shame :clap:
  2. GER147

    GER147 Rangers & Liverpool Fan!

    Jul 16, 2010
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    Glasgow Rangers and Liverpool FC
    Aw aye, bring this up again... Anything to take the spotlight aff yer team getting beat!
  3. misrablegit

    misrablegit Active Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Glasgow rangers
    Well done KOH for giving us one day to saviour our victory , the restraint you showed there was very impressive .

    Can't argue with any of what Speirs says though . Apart from the docking of points bit that'll will only make things worse . There's nothing worse than a bigot with a sense of injustice , Is there KOH ?.
    The club has tried and failed to deal with this it is now up to the law to come down hard . In this day and age with the technology available it must be possible to film and identify those responsible . Once identified they should be prosecuted and when found guilty banned from every ground in the country , after their release that is .
  4. pvm66

    pvm66 Registered User

    Oct 1, 2008
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  5. MicMac1873

    MicMac1873 New Member

    Mar 2, 2010
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    Rangers, Finn Harps
    Its so boring, if its not refs it songs! When celtic stop singing about terrorists maybe some rangers fans will stop singing some stuff, not that songs offend me in the slightest.

    Its a ****ing song ffs, it hurts nobody, if someone gets offended by some words sang at a match then they've got problems imo.
  6. heybs

    heybs Registered User

    Aug 23, 2008
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    Glasgow Rangers
    So true mate they same songs were sung at Parkhead when we lost the last 2 games yet nothing was mentioned about them then, the ref gives them every decision going so they can't complain about that so lets bring the songs back up since they have nothing else to moan about.

    Lets be truthful here both teams have an element that sing sectarian songs, sorry in Celtic's case political songs :whistle
  7. Lisbon 67

    Lisbon 67 Registered User

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Glasgow Celtic
    Nobody is looking for excuses and it was Graham Speirs that brought it up. The fact is that Rangers fans sing illegal and racist songs yet the SFA choose to ignore it and do nothing. The Celtic support do not sing any illegal songs, whether you agree with some of the songs is a different matter.
  8. pvm66

    pvm66 Registered User

    Oct 1, 2008
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  9. CynicalSid

    CynicalSid Forum Komrade

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Newcastle United, Rangers, Glenavon
    Racist? to what race are you refering too?

    Irish is a nationality not a race (White Irish people are by definition caucasian/white European), Catholicism is a religion not a race.
  10. pvm66

    pvm66 Registered User

    Oct 1, 2008
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    Well, that answers my question about you being in the stupid competition. Congratulations, you are indeed the champion.
  11. Lisbon 67

    Lisbon 67 Registered User

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Glasgow Celtic
    Really?. . . . .maybe you shouldn't get involved if you don't know what you're talking about.
  12. misrablegit

    misrablegit Active Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Glasgow rangers
    The songs being sung on Sunday are banned . The club has pleaded with fans time and again not to sing them . Our club , my club have been warned that there will be consequences if these song are continued to be sung . Every Rangers fan knows this .

    YET we still have "fans" who insist on shameing our club with these Infantile ditties . Morons who are more interested in F***ing the Pope than anything thats happening on the park . These people are not Rangers fans if they were they wouldn't be trying to harm my club with hatred .

    You are either a Rangers fan or a loyalist you can't be both well you can but keep your songs of hatred to the Orange hall where they wont offend anybody as you will all be of the same intelligence . :thumb
  13. misrablegit

    misrablegit Active Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Glasgow rangers
    Hehe i saw this thread this morning and thought to myself "that'll be wee lisbon back" . Where you been wee man , how was your Sunday night mines was splendid .

    Hope your not going to say anything provocative in this thread :p
  14. pickles

    pickles Davy Cameron's 3rd nipple

    Jul 28, 2009
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    The people that sing these songs aren't really rangers fans but instead view going to the match as a place where they can have a giant sash bash.

    You can be sure you won't see them at games against the likes of St Mirren or Kilmarnock, but when it comes to games against Celtic and Aberdeen they're all of a sudden the biggest fans about.
  15. Lisbon 67

    Lisbon 67 Registered User

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Glasgow Celtic
    Had a great night on Sunday. Was at our bus's St Patricks night, fabulous night. I wont say anything provo minded and i never have. What i will say ic T1ocfaidh Ar La! . . . . . Maybe you could refrain from vile sick comments as well. . . . ..I really think you're on the wrong thread as you've proved on many occasions you don't know what racist means. So a bit of a waste of time for you this thread Trigg.
    #15 Lisbon 67, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2011
  16. Lisbon 67

    Lisbon 67 Registered User

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Glasgow Celtic
    Can't agree with that m8. They ARE Rangers fans and they wouldn't have tickets for the Old Firm games if they didn't go usually.
  17. heybs

    heybs Registered User

    Aug 23, 2008
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    Glasgow Rangers
    Where was it brought up then as I must have missed this.

    Total nonsense :hmmm Gives us a penalty then takes it away ignores a blatant hand ball in the box, only gives Mulgrew a yellow even though it was a last man challenge with no other Celtic player anywhere near him, plays 3mins extra at the 2nd half when there has been four subs I think and the physio been on a few times yet in a 15 min spell at extra time he finds 2 extra mins from somewhere even though there were no subs and nobody got injured, but you must be right total nonsense only when it is against us eh.

    You seriously need to get those green tinted specs off pvm.
  18. misrablegit

    misrablegit Active Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Glasgow rangers
    What does that mean . I no speaka da lingo choccy :laugh:
  19. pvm66

    pvm66 Registered User

    Oct 1, 2008
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  20. Ironz4life

    Ironz4life New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Rangers & West Ham
    Why is it Celtic fans keep banging on about the Rangers fans singing sectarian songs (usually after a defeat) when they sing them themselves??? And don't come all this 'It's political' shite to me!! I have tuned in to many Celtic away games and heard songs about the IRA.. Why is it they can sing 'Pat McCourts ****** army' then moan about Rangers fans using the word ******? How come they can continually use the derogatory term '***' then moan about being called a ******?
    What have Celtic done about The Green Brigade and their 'Blood Stained Poppy' banners? (**** all).


    Note the Celtic fans greeting the Rangers team with their bigoted 'Orange Bastards' remarks etc
    I suppose there is a good reason for this or is it someone else's fault?
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