There is growing unrest across the globe. Where there was peace there is unrest but no one knows where the unrest is coming from. The great world forces meet in New York to unite the forces but there is double-crossing and danger at hand. Please read this post and the following ones carefully so you have a full understanding of the setup and times for day phase and night phase. Please remember that I am in a different time zone to you all and will at times be unable to be active due to my personal schedule. FAQ How do I vote? Like this: Vote Player. You must vote in the thread, as opposed to via PM. What about the Mafia's votes? They are allowed to vote on the day lynch just like the townsfolk. Their night-kill is separate to their votes on the lynch, so they will be able to use the opportunity and attempt to blend in with the town during the voting process. Do I have to vote? No, you don't have to. The town can also vote 'no lynch', so there is nothing forcing you to kill during the day phase. Am I allowed to tell people what my role is? Yes! And as the game goes on it is likely to become more and more necessary for townies to come forward with their roles (and potentially, for the mafia to fabricate theirs). What are the times for the day and night phases? Day phase - Day phase will consist of a 36 hour window between 08:00 and 20:00 (day after) GMT. Night phase - Night phase will consist of a 12 hour window between 20:00 and 08:00 GMT. Day 1 will be a short day phase due to not much happening anyway. I will try my best to keep up during day phase votes, however the time difference and my own personal schedule might make it difficult. To help me, please keep an active vote count when you vote or unvote. If 2 players cast a vote at the same time, it is the responsibility of 2nd poster to update their vote count. RULES OBJECTIVE If you are TOWN aligned, then your objective is to kill every member of the mafia. Every Townsperson is victorious once the last mafioso has died. If you are MAFIA aligned, then your objective is to get to a stage where the number of Mafia players left alive is greater than the number of Town players left alive. HOW IT WORKS The game begins with every played being randomly assigned a role. These will be PM'd to you by me. During the day phase, players will be able to discuss their suspicions in the thread. The ultimate goal of the day phase is to determine which player will be lynched by voting in the thread. Once the day phase is over, the votes will be tallied up and the player who received the most will be killed. Once dead, the role of the lynched player will be revealed and night phase will begin. During night phase, the Mafia will be able to pick someone from the town that they wish to kill. The Mafia's choice is revealed at the end of the night phase, and the dead player's role is also exposed. The next day phase then begins, and this continues until one side achieves their objective. RULES 1. No discussing the game outside of the thread or in PMs (unless you are in the mafia or your role permits it). 2. Once dead, you are no longer able to post in the thread. A farewell "Urgh, I'm dead" post is fine but you must stay quiet after that. Furthermore, if you are not playing the game you will not be able to post in the thread. 3. No posting screenshots of anything I send to you in PMs. You should be trying to convince people through your words and actions, not through mine. Similarly, no direct quoting from my PMs - pass on the information in your own words, if you have to. 4. The town is allowed to 'No Lynch' at the end of a day phase. This option must receive the majority of votes. 5. If a lynch-vote is tied, nobody gets killed. 6. No editing posts. 7. Please cast your votes using Bold. If you decide to change your vote during the day phase, please use Unvote). 8. Excessive vote changing will result in a warning, and potentially a modkill. 9. Deliberate and persistent rule-breaking could lead to you being modkilled. 10. If mayor is killed, a vote will be held to decide new mayor. No lynch can take place until vote has concluded, but day phase may still end. THE THREAD It might be a little difficult to know what to do on the first day. The idea of the thread is that the townsfolk discuss who they think may or may not be mafia, with the mafia trying not to draw suspicion towards them. The first day or two might be a little slow but as people begin to use their abilities, the evidence will begin to arrive. Expect things to get pretty heated at certain points in the game (that's how we know it's fun). If you're not sure about a rule, you can post a question to me in the thread (if it is something to do with your role, though, it's probably best to do it via PM). Enjoy!
Important Game Related Information: - A lynch cannot occur within the first 6 hours of the day phase or until everyone has posted. (Whichever happens earliest.) You can still vote before the 6 hours is up, and if someone has a majority vote after 6 hours or when everyone posts they will be lynched. - Role names are not standard. Some abilities are taken directly from other Mafia roles, some are loosely inspired by them and others are made up all together. A role type and the country assigned may or may not have some level of correlation. I was both creative and used randomizers in assigning the roles and alignment. - This game is bastard - Non Town players have NOT been given fake claims and sample town PM's. - Discussion in this thread regarding another person's forum activity (e.g. engaged in conversation) is not allowed. I cannot stop you using this to form your own reads but it should not be discussed in the thread. - A country's action in the world or real live actions or political leanings do not match up with any alignments or your believes of the country. Russia is NOT in this game
The following users are confirmed in for the game. If you'd like to play but not on the list respond in the sign-ups thread. If you need to drop, please do so there. I am going to have the roles wrapped up in the morning (US time) once I have a final count and close out some open items and then send out the role cards. Alive Papa Francisco Hashtag55 Burg Guyett StillHurts31 Dead Mr Sheen (Scotland): One-shot town cop RedDevil (England): One shot mafia inspector Frosty (Egypt): two-shot mafia anti-protector Sme (Japan): Town doctor Bleeds (Chin): One shot loud town babysitter Jason (Mexico): One shot town gunsmith Zydus (Italy): Town mason Sgt Serious (Germany): Town miller Josh (USA): One shot paranoid gun owner Lugna rambler (Canada): One shot friendly town neighbor
A total of 15 players are in and all roles have been sent. Let's wait until we get 12 confirmations to get the game going. 12/12 confirmations received.
@David have you just copy and pasted the rules etc from another thread? or have you gone though them. Particularly where it says this game is bastard.
Nah I doubt the French are in this game Unless David’s created a Town One-Shot Cheese-eating Surrender Monkey role
To be honest I don’t think it matters either way ‘A country's action in the world or real live actions or political leanings do not match up with any alignments or your believes of the country. Russia is NOT in this game’ Any country can probably be adapted to a role, so the scum countries probably won’t be too impactful either way imo. My country and role have, at best, a very very tenuous link.