Poor year for threads. I will be back in business for good this time, no bitches be takin' my awards.
Oh you know, here and there. Na I've just not had much use for my computer this past year really so I've never been online. Now I have lots of university work to be getting on with, so obviously this will mean I must procrastinate, and procrastinate on FF I will do. 2013 IS MY YEAR.
The old I'd rather post on forums than do university work I've been there and done that, good luck with it all though.
Cheers K4L, appreciate that. Ironically I'm currently starting a 2000 word essay right now and it must be handed in at 3pm tomorrow. Ah student life.
And yet still online Schoolwork is the reason I found FF, and while my grades haven't been affected, the amount of work I put in has drastically decreased.