The Man City owners cousin member of the royal family and supposedly stinking rich. Personally - I’ll believe it when if happens, be extatic that Baron Greenback is gone and hopeful for the future. Whatever happens FFP will mean it’s difficult to plough money into the club Till then, I will continue to be loyal if not hopeful.
Would love to read the opinion of those who criticized city. My opinion is that this is very, very good for English football as a whole... In the long run. Many will argue and say it leaves the rest of the league without a chance to qualify for anything in europe. Maybe in the short term but lets think about the long term implications here. More money into more clubs like city and Newcastle is bolstering youth development in the country. City is already demonstrating the result of their program and their young talent who is seeking game time ends up playing for championship and other prem teams anyways. Bringing in more high profile talent to the league could also increase viewership and distribution of proceeds among the league. The big picture in my mind goes beyond Newcastle and the prem, English football as a whole will produce the worlds best talent if this funding continues to pour in and players are bred in England. The best players in the world have historically come from every top country BUT England, this will change.
The latest news from yesterday did seem to put more believability into the takeover story. - Proof of funds confirmed - Written agreement rather than just a verbal one - FA notified. But I'm sure Ashley could kick it into touch by upping his price by £100m. I'm sure anybody dithering about renewing their season tickets will have acted positively by now, so if the story is another hoax, it'll have been swallowed hook line and sinker. Obviously I hope it happens, as to me, the bloke has killed the hope for us to compete with clubs our size - top half of the Premiership.
I assume this guy isn't at the same mega money level of those at City, but still enough to improve the team?
Our playing squad are a bit of a step up from a championship side. That's all. Is that good enough considering our income? Ashley could say that Fulham spend £100m and got relegated, so why gamble? But if we can have a similar transfer budget to a top half premiership club, that would give us hope of at least some excitement, and the possibility of winning something.
This past week can't have been easy. I appreciate that a Toon takeover collapse would elate your city. I get it. But you'll always have your 6 in a row chant and fans who crap in Trafalgar Square fountain.
And don't forget our fans that punch horses, attack police, shout at shops, smash goalposts and rip nets of sunday football teams and smash or own city up. Oh, wait.
FFP hasn't stopped one or two from buying up everything, though I see Chelsea have a transfer embargo. Not sure if it's related to their spending of Russian oil money. If our income could be used for investment of players, that would be fair and all above board. If it doesn't come off, my affinity towards the owner won't have been further tarnished - it can't be any worse. But I wonder if some have renewed season tickets on the back of this...