Are you a De Dannan fan as well? It's famously claimed that The Eagles nicked it Did the Eagles Get the “Hotel California” Chords from Jethro Tull? | Guitar World Not a big fan myself but a nice tune
Just seen this @TLC - great that it still brings you joy I still have the full playlist and the final playlist in my collection and have turned to both on many occasions since. Impressive that nearly 12 months on, the discussion has been re-ignited as well
Got it playing now in the background while WFH .... some of the more 'screamy' 'shouty' stuff gets skipped but mostly it's a great long lasting background noise playlist
Next one is already planned and ready to go. Just plotting when to do it so I can ensure I'm available each night for a period of time to get the reveals done - will probably get it posted in the next week or so and try and time it for the reveal to be in whatever 'off season' we have in the football
Did you miss it? Cracking thread. Disappointed that Enrico Carusso could only manage a runner up place to more ****ing Verdi!!