Really Chuffed with the efforts of COSU to get the North Bank open, gave us the biggest gate of the round, which will benefit us on and off the field, even after Charlton's cut and expenses (including Vat!) deducted. COSU even opened the bars 2 hours early, to boost income, which will not disappear into someone's deep pockets, as per the last 24 years. We think there is a bit more work to be done on segregation and ticketing access before Home fans will be able to gain access to the North Bank, but hopefully by Boxing Day that should be done. It's really strange having things to be positive about here. lol.
The North Bank used to be the Home end many years ago until we went all seater and Jobson sold off the South Bank and made the stand we have now, which used to be standing only. There are a large number of Shrimpers who want The North to be the Home end again, with the away numbers we get, the East half of the North Bank could still be an away area, and the West side of it, with segregation, the home end as one option. Another option would be give away fans the North West corner and restore the North Bank as the Home end. If we got a large cup game like yesterday, the North could be given to the away team's fans in entirety, as we did for example when we entertained Liverpool, (although we had the full size South bank then). That would mean moving Season ticket holders and having the room to facilitate them in other areas of the ground for cup games. At least after yesterday and moving forward for next season and beyond, we can now fit 15% of away fans in the ground, meaning the opportunity is there for greater revenue, again thanks to COSU in the short time they have owned the club.
Have any decisions been made yet about how to redevelop your ground? I know it's tough because of the location, shape of the plot, neighbours etc....
There were plans a year to 18 months ago but it's gone very quiet since. Feedback from the majority of the fanbase was very negative as it involved taking down the East Bank for additional housing (as that's how the redevelopment would be funded)
I know we’ve only just beaten off this threat ourselves, but given the near impossibility of doing very much at all on your current plot of land wouldn’t it be better to move down the road to a clean site? Just stick like a limpet to the designs, so you don’t end up with a papier macher gerbil hutch like C*l Ewe. Other than that it’ll be cheaper, far more flexible and will throw off all the constraints holding back your club from ever aspiring to anything above about League One tops.
There's plenty of space to do something very decent where we are, we just don't have any money to do it (that's where the houses come in, albeit taking a significant chunk of land away)
Oh that’s great if so. Sorry, I’d taken a very different understanding after reading the pinned thread ‘Constructive ideas for ground development’ on ShotsWeb. Shows the perils of relying too much on a forum thread!
Rule number 1 of taking an interest in Aldershot Town, 80% of the posts on shotsweb need taking with a large pinch of salt
. do think Shots have the best home fans. Old school ground helps, with the barrel roof but always sing.