Great with his feet, not half as good at the basics of keeping. I'd rate say cech way higher at the basics of keeping than ederson in the prem era. next?
Schmeichel was a good keeper but useless with feet, didn't have to be though. Casillas was a lucky keeper. Stuff bounced off him left and right and it rarely fell to anyone. Alisson holds everything. He is unnaturally good at that. Also casillas is too short to be considered compared to everyone else you mentioned. Got a great send off at anfield when he was retiring though. Buffon was top top class but again alisson is better with his feet Neuer in his prime was great but I've seen too many gaffes over time now. I'd have buffon and cech and neuer in a top 10 for sure. Alisson is a man mountain. Lightening reflexes. Always in the right place, never makes a basic error in keeping. Hold every shot. Is astounding at 1 on 1s. Can catch, kick, punch, pass, assist and head goals too boot!
Alisson loves a howler but he's still an elite keeper. Think he's arguably our best signing of the last 20 years.
I agree he's not the best ever, but be serious. Ederson maybe marginally better at distribution and with the ball at his feet, but every other aspect of keeping I'd give to Alisson.
That's just ridiculous fella ,I don't as a rule do Wolves away for reasons I've probably stated on here ,but that's just asking for carnage. It's never been the most hospitable of places anyway for visiting fans ,but thankfully all the lads I usually travel with have a similar mindset when it comes to Wolves away. Do you know the reason why the Brick has suddenly decided to turn away fans ? Madness !
I've never been in the Blue Brick but I'd imagine it's just a big room where you can get Carling or cider in a plastic glass? When away fans get put in shit places like that they usually end up trashing the place. They're probably fed up of the clean up and it's connected to a Premier Inn I think so probably have a lot of complaints about noise/behavior from guests. I know away fans used to be put in the Walkabout but that stopped for similar reasons. I suppose the police can't actually force anywhere to be the designated away pub and if nobody wants to take them then there's nowhere to go? Shame really as Wolverhampton is a brilliant place for a drink, so many good traditional real ale pubs & desi pubs.
I used to love the Walkabout in our town ,but it's now Einsteins. The Brick certainly wasnt the worst pub I've ever drank in ,but it could never be described as plush. It used to be an old Railway Station so it had a bit of history ,but looking on their website it's only open to staying residents now since July this year. I've been the Brick a few times through the years ,but when we got wise we used to stay in the Conaught.
Poor lad can't even get a serious bid off forest. Seriously though he's learned a lot of thr big man but he's not really as good a shot stopper or as good at holding the ball either. He's learned a lot about 1 on 1s though. Fantastic worker and character.
Oh look a player who is asked to play out makes a few errors over several years. Any handling errors in there as in thr basics of keeping? Cos tbh having seen some lads the ball just bounces off being made out to be hero's the difference is stark. We've had enough dodgy keepers to be able to form my own opinion
I know the results aren't great for Wolves but whenever I watch them they are decent are my eyes broken or something?
Watching your team have a good 30 minute spell and lose every week gets tiresome very quickly. Just to reiterate, I think it's 2 wins (vs Luton & Burnley reserves) in 18 now. We've got a lot of very good players but as a team we're fundamentally broken tactically. O'Neil is alright and he's got a tough job given our ownership situation but he's out of his depth at this level at this stage in his career.
The notion that Ederson is only “marginally” better with his feet is a bit of an insult - just the first half against Newcastle today would be a career highlights package for Alisson - and he’s also a better sweeper, but yeah the traditional basics of goalkeeping Alisson is definitely better, and probably better overall. But Ederson deffo better for our style of play and manager.
Fair enough you'd know more than me results aren't very good recently I think he's probably a top end Championship manager at this stage though from what I've seen.