Just when you think they couldn't get any worse... www.facebook.com/tangerineknightssupport/posts/1585394161742588
Disgusting. Utterly disgusting. I would be nothing short of amazed if anybody at Blackpool renews season tickets for next season. Boycott home games, the club shop, everything. Deny them any and every penny.
Ah... I see what you did there Quirk... Fair enough. They're still suing BHS forum for £150k. You guys don't need any of that shit.
I only removed Rogue's prick posts. There was nothing posted that could get us in trouble. I do however want to support your actions on the fraudster but obviously need to protect FF as well, we all know that Oyston will sue anything walking. The sooner he's gone from your club the better. It really needs a mass walkout every home game from Blackpool fans. Its going to hurt Blackpool in the near future but the sooner he knows he's getting no more money he'll be gone.
and I thought the Booth family who owned Millmoor were bas***ds, but the Oystons are something else!!!
Surely if you were going to destroy a football club for your own gain you'd go about it in a clever, subtle way not by being a total and utter bellend like he is? (allegedly) He's gone from shit owner to one of those mental bastards in a kid's Action Movie who try to destroy the world with an army of lizards or by smashing the moon in to the earth or something. Surely he must realise that every time he does something like this, solely to annoy people it brings him closer to the day when the F.A stop being a useless bunch of c*nts and take action against him?
Anything planned for Saturday ??? i'll watch SSN when i get back from our match, no swinging on the cross bar
I want them to make a film of this one day. Alan Rickman's Karl Oyston eventually thwarted by Anthony Hopkins' Stanley Matthews. Some poetic licence taken of course.
Samuel L Jacksons is in town I kid you not! Ours would be a disaster movie on a grand scale if every made ! If Oyston produced and directed it would be a silent black and white without a happy ending Cum stain
apparently any 'oysten out' scarves worn by Town fans in the away end have had to be confiscated by stewards...