I do mainly listen to my old skool stuff but every now and again someone like this pops up. He makes genuine genius s**t. Love his delivery. Deadpan as fook. He sounds chilled out but his tracks get you hyped for some reason lol
Loved these guys after seeing them live with Ugly Duckling. They just disappeared as quickly as they came on the scene.
Not heard much of these lot. Definitely a pharcyde Influence In there. They have some decent tracks too
I cant watch this as im at work. I assume this is just a single? Loved the track that Doom did on Czarfaces 2nd album. Still hoping for the Doom/Starks collab album that's been talked about for a few years now. A Hip Hop dream team imo, hope it happens
I managed to have a little listen to CAS and its pretty fckin good in all honesty. Still struggling to get in to Grime as a whole though
The guy that bought the one copy of wu tangs ‘once upon a time in shaolin’ for $2m has been jailed for 7 years and had his assets confiscated including this album. The guy defrauded millions, increased a drug used for aids by 5000%, and worst of all, has kept that album to himself. Hoping us fans can finally get to hear it now he’s banged up
Yeah heard he got 7 years? Remember he said in an interview that he would punch ghostface if he saw him lol Came across as a complete arrogant arse to be honest. I heard Leonardo di caprio is in the running to buy the album now? Whoever does I hope they let the fans have a listen
Hes fcked if he bumps in to any HIV suffers or Wu Tang fans inside. He was dubbed the most hated man in America; he aint getting no easy ride inside Yeah whoever buys it needs to let the fans listen to it. I reckon Di Caprio would be a good bet
Yeah true, a reminder that what you say can come back to bite you on the arse . Wouldn't of figured di caprio for a wu tang fan lol.
I watched an interview with him on Breakfast Club which (if you don’t know) is an American radio show hosted by DJ Envy & Charlamagne Tha God. Genuinely one of the most fascinating interviews I’ve ever heard. He came from absolute nothing, his parents were eastern European immigrants He never listened to the Wu Tang album He raised the price of the drug because in America it’s actually illegal to not try to maximise profits. Anyone who couldn’t afford the drug had to mail him proof of their finances and would be given it for free He tried to buy The Life Of Pablo off Kanye West for $15,000,000 and also tried to bail out rapper Bobby Shmurda when he was facing jail and has a 2m dollar bail. Genuinely his life will be turned in to a movie one day
@Jonny Ninja @WARP The new Royce da 5’9” is really worth a listen. Up there with Ocean Wisdom for Hip-Hop album of the year so far for me. Very good.