There's some of those albums that seem shit when you get older, but then get better again as you age further.
I'm in too, obviously. Will probably take me days to pick. Guaranteed to include songs by: blink-182 John Williams Michael Jackson
If i ever end up revisiting most of the old stuff I listened too I add on average 1000 songs from the calendar year per year to my collection (ontop of stuff added to other years) soon there won't be time in the year to listen to some of the stuff I used to listen. This year has been crap tho so far, half way through and only added 212 songs, dreadful. New Tool comes out next month tho to save the year
I should add that when you send lists, please include the song title and the artist. Where a song has been covered, you can select any version of your choosing but each version will be scored separately
I've probably got near to that - well more than half on nearly 1,000 CDs, nearly 500 vinyl albums, over 400 cassettes and a few 45s and DVDs. There's even some concerts on VHS video cassette somewhere but the player went to Emmaus with most of them. I've yet to engage properly with interweb for music so anything I've got on the laptop or memory sticks (for the car) has been burned from my own CDs - although I have used Audacity and my Riga deck to get digital versions of some of my rarer vinyl or to get music for a funeral. Edit: My music mentor (and swap buddy from the years when we exchnged home copied cassettes then CDs every time we met up) , who's 6 years older than me (i.e. in his 70s), went fully digital a few years ago with Spotify etc. I took some of his cassettes to stop him binning them. He's now started buying (mainly second hand) vinyl again but largely restricts himself to jazz. I shall be giving a lot of thought to my submissions and see if I can get the creative juices working in my advocacy for them - although I suspect that I might be a bit lonely in my love affair with 70s Welsh rock, Zappa/Beefheart, Alabama 3, Martin Carthy, Howling Wolf/Elmore James.... and that's before I get into Punk, Ska, Reggae, Rock Nacional and all the Hendrix, Doors, Amon Duul, Robert Wyatt and Neil Young..........................
I don't have a fixed deadline at the moment. It will definitely be after the Movie World Cup has concluded and that looks to have a couple of weeks to run. I want to give people as much time as possible to think it over as I'm sure this could be a tough decision for most (except @JoshBCFC who has already submitted his )
I’ve got mine down to 24 i think cos I’m so special I should be allowed double the rest. And doesn’t surprise me with Josh, it’s probably the first 10 songs of the Killers album.
I know you're having problems with counting at the moment but 24 just doesn't work (nor is it double of 10)
Well you have me and my mum beat in terms of physical I don't know exact numbers but if I were to guess my mum owns about 250 vinyl records and 600 CDs and I own about 300 CDs and neither of us own any cassettes. Obviously there's a fair bit of overlap between our collections that we like from each such all all the Pearl Jam and Foo fighters my mum owns for example. I have a 256gb micro sd card in my phone that's about 80% full (it's getting close to being time to upgrade to 512gb) it's amazing having basically anything that I want around with me to listen too often in .FLAC or other lossless formats too so you should definately get on the digital hype train. Also **** Spotify the codec they use is god awful and makes tunes sound like crap.
Amon Düül Never thought anyone aside me would know them here. Krautrock Pioneers. I'm impressed again, @Habbinalan As for @Tomohawk 's project: Good luck for it. I can't name my fav atm because there would be hundreds and when I name one I'm pretty sure my ailing brain would come with the next fav right after I posted it.