You got it! And don't worry, I'm expecting a very broad range of offerings. In fact that's what I'm hoping for.....would be boring otherwise
Are you telling me that you've got your list down to 11 but not in any order as of yet? Do I need to extend the deadline? Maybe Xmas time or next Easter?
Yes you did explain - I should have read the instructions!! Agreed about variety - being 47 and a Britpop kid the list is looking very 90's...
you do make me laugh. I will leave you to mull it over and make your 'final' (you're nailed on to be one who will amend ) decision
List sent. Great idea @Tomohawk be interesting to see what people are into. Can tell a lot about a person by seeing their best songs.
come on, miss. Can't be so difficult to cut your Top11 to Top10 Justin Bieber songs. (They're all shit) Ugh. Hope @Tomohawk won't write who has voted for which song or what he doesn't like at all. Would shatter my dreams to find out that johnny hates jazz or similar (and no, that isn't one of my fav songs )
Yes. Enema of The State is a superb album Only 1 song from Hot Fuss on it, and tbf The Killers are far from my favourite band
So you’ve basically picked the first ten tracks on What’s The Story? Can we have more than one track by the same artist Tomo?
So me trying to sneak 11 songs in instead of 10 didn’t work, so don’t waste your time guys, Tomo is strict
You nearly snuck that past me @miss_lfc I'm still in shock that such a well respected member of this forum would try such a thing
It was worth a try I honestly thought the number trick would get past you. Choosing ten songs was very hard though.
Just for you mate. (how can you not love this!) He was an arsehole of the highest order, and yes his music can be pompous; but my word there is greatness in it. Beethoven and Handel are my two favourite German composers, not that fond of Bach though.