First one. If you're a nerd you'll know the implications of it. It wouldn't spoil any of the movie plot for others if you want me to explain, if you're interested....
Noah - 4/10 Mildly watch-able but a pretty poor effort all round, so many flaws Russell Crowe gave the role a good effort but the rest of the cast was piss poor, except maybe Emma Watson. I would AVOID though if I were you, I went with a group of around 15 and chatting to them afterwards not one said it was good, just goes to show!
Captain America : Winter Soldier. One of the better Comic adaptations. A decent plot and good action scenes. Although gutted I missed the bloody opening scenes with Georges St. Pierre as my little lad needed the toilet. Bloody kids.
A few posts up from my post saying Alien Resurrection is terrible. I think AR's own writer called it unwatchable. One thing I will say for AR, it looks great, but that's where it ends for me.
Agree, most people hate it though. Honestly I don't know what they were expecting, it wasn't brilliant but it was full of mystery and some great visuals...which is what sci fi is meant to be
I really liked Prometheus as well. It's definitely a very polarizing film though. Sunshine Very effective sci-fi, both times I've watched it I found myself so immersed. And it is so visually stunning. Strong 2001 influence, among others. Really does seem like there's nothing Boyle can't tackle and turn into a compelling film. Can't really say enough about how good it looks though, it provides a certain majesty to the film. Strong showings from the cast, I always tend to enjoy the performances of Cillian Murphy and Rose Byrne. The ending seems to be something that bothers some. I wasn't big on it the first time around, but didn't find it so bothersome the second time around for whatever reason. This one has definitely become a favourite of mine.
Ride Along [2014] Obvious, predictable, clichéd, not very funny buddy movie. Waste of time. 4.1096/10
I wasn't expecting it to total kak! Hate this film with a vengeance.Starting to think it may be one of those "marmite" movies.
I think it was second only to Aliens in that quadrilogy, some interesting characters, good action, lame background arguably in terms of resurrecting Ripley and all the follow on that lead to the main plot. But maybe we're a minority, read the Amazon reviews and a lot write off 3 and 4 in the series as I may have said earlier. And if the "mental things" (The Valiant) comment is aimed at me, Alien wasn't a bad film just slow paced, tedious and not my cup of tea. I don't go for pace and action over plot, Alien started it all off but very slowly to the point it's the one I'd watch least often as you get it having watched it once and that's as much as you can really derive from it - Alien kills crew who can't fight back, Ripley ends it the same way she does in 2 and 4 Oh the whole spawn of Ripley bit was naff, but for pace and entertainment Alien just lacks any points whatsoever. In fact I'd surmise The Valiant you are talking out your backside, not in preferring Alien over Resurrection, but your assertion it is "one of the most mental things I've ever read on here. " Prometheus was ok, I'd watch it again (watched it twice already) but perhaps just a bit weird for want of a better way of putting it with me needing to get ready for work, something about it I can understand people not liking it much.