I agree, and not sure Eddie and wotsisname whose name is on the tip of my tongue playing other parts adds to it. Bourne Supremacy 8/10 - the way Bourne gets dragged back into the chase is quite innovative, loses very little if nothing on the first film in my opinion Bourne Ultimatum 7/10 - the third in the series is a little bit less impressive, but finishes off quite well. Some clever details that I won't go into for spoiler reasons, but definitely glad (so far) I bought the collection. Just need to see what "Legacy" has to offer, the only one of the set I believe I haven't seen any of previously. I hope it doesn't mirror Lethal Weapon 4 - 6/10 in letting the series end on a relatively low note.
Tbh legacy is the worst out of the four. So don't have too high expectations. Captain America: Winter Soldier - Despite captain America being my least favourite of the current crop of marvel characters, I thought this film wasn't too bad. Some decent action and a basically what you expect from a film like this. Done to the normal slick standards. One minor gripe is that there seems to be a gadget for everything so as soon as they seem to be in a spot of bother...hey presto here's a gadget. Overall 7/10
I kinda guessed it was cashing in on the franchise, a lot of films sadly these days do - hence remaking a lot including Superman, the whole new Spiderman etc Bourne Legacy 6/10 - bit too piecemeal for my liking, bitty and not too sure what is happening. But it is pretty good, I liked the lead from Hansel & Gretel and he plays the role well. The problem for me is using clips from previous film to try and give context, it might have been better out of the Bourne series and done in its own right. Another tale of evasion and chase, oh and quick pace combat at close range (how do they NEVER get shot, even by accident?!?) Biggest disappointment of it was the end, left a rather unfulfilled feeling that it didn't come to a better finale and I get the feeling that probably killed off the legacy (irony much ) But aside from how it concludes the sage I think it was ok as films go, plenty of action even if it does mirror a lot of films like Enemy of the State 7/10 where they have people sat there linking into satellites, CCTV etc and managing to coordinate a hunt which makes the people involved look way more competent than their real life counterparts.
I tend to avoid remakes, if the film was bad enough to need remaking then it probably wasn't worth watching in the first place, if it was so good that someone wanted to cash in on the reputation then it almost certainly didn't need remaking. Some films just have a feel of certain eras too eg 80s films Aliens (Directors Cut) 9/10 - have read a bit on people's views of the theatrical version vs this one, and indeed people reviewing the quadrilogy on Amazon and writing off 3 & 4, but this for me is probably the best of the series ahead of the last (4) It adds something to the film, clips of "Hadley's Hope" not seen first time I saw it, another scene with sentry guns, I don't see what the issue is. It has plenty of action, some suspense, still leaves some mystery although I'd like to see some of the bits omitted from which they could probably do a whole film. Not sure why people would not like Alien 3 6/10 or indeed Alien Resurrection 8/10, the latter has some good action, good characters, great scenes, not sure what's not to like. Raising Ripley from the dead might be a bit far fetched, but I think the film is better than some of those Amazon reviews make out. Alien 3 was a bit weak in places granted, still a good enough film. If anything I thought the first was slow and frustrating, maybe because the second is action packed with the marines going in then it gets more credit than the rest, but overall I wouldn't dismiss any of the films entirely as it is one of the stronger quadrilogies around and dodged that flop final entry that so many films fall foul of trying to get more money out of customers/fans.
Ride Alone (2014) I wouldn't usually bother with this type of film, but it's good for a Sunday afternoon. Plot is hackneyed as all hell - guy wants to marry girl, girls father is a cop, so to prove himself worthy the guys has to ride along with the cop for a day.... blah blah blah. Not particularly funny as it happens, but it's not offensive either. Essentially does what it says on the tin. 5 out of 10. I love the Alien films. The only one I have real problems with is the second "Aliens" because it was turned into an action flick, which took away from the mystery and horror elements. It replaced realism with witty one-liners, which were all the rage at the time. The third one definitely has problems in the theatrical cut, but the work print that is available in the various box sets does a really good job of fixing it up. The fourth film is great, given the films are set so far in the future, I don't think gene splicing should be a major barrier to believability. The best is the first film, imo. And I think the theatrical cut is best. It's essentially a perfect sci-fi film.... Anyway, that's my take.
Hey, each to their own. Personally I thought it was excellent. Love the basketball game scene - always makes me laugh.
Absolutely. I don't make a habit of sneering, but a suggestion that Alien Resurrection is better than Alien is one of the most mental things I've ever read on here.
Unthinkable (2010) 8.5/10. Superb thriller though the torture scenes were a bit brutal. I don't like many films with Samuel L Jackson in but i have to say he was great in this. Not a film for the faint-hearted.
Confine (2013) OMG, this is total sh*t. How I got through the whole thing I'll never know. It's a pathetic hostage movie. Just awful. Don't watch this, even for free.
Yeah I really loved this, not sure it was 10/10, but have heard a few people slag it on here. Crackin' watch!
The Hurt Locker (2008) 5.5/10. Finally got round to seeing this but i wasn't all that impressed, dull and even tedious in long parts.
Captain America 2 - 8.5/10 Superb action movie. The only thing that I think could've made it better would've been more drama surrounding the Winter Soldier's identity. Really cool post-credits scene. Scarlet Witch is gonna f*ck. shit. up. (no, really, that's her superpower). EDIT - Also, a certain Stephen Strange got a mention - Dr. Strange movie in the works.