Frozen Loved it. Great story, great songs(Idina Menzel really steals the show). You're never too old for Disney. 8.2/10
Who's That Girl 6/10 - besides some good tracks like the title, plus songs like "Turn It Up" (Michael Davidson), this is a decent but little "cheesy 80s" film. Sure Madonna is not exactly the world's greatest actress, and it is silly in places, but then it doesn't take itself too seriously and has a simple and decent plot. Lone Survivor 7.5/10 - bit excess in the old slow mo and multiple bullets routine, but essentially a good story/plot. Does seem to sum up either the yank mentality or that they want to display, the old "no one gets left behind" thing they sell particularly in Blackhawk Down 10/10 (can't give it less than 10, it is brilliantly told, not cameras zooming all over, excellent cast etc)
Bad Company 2/10 Brutal film, Chris Rock can't act. Hell in the Pacific 5.5/10 Passable war film about an American soldier and a Japanese soldier who are forced to work together to escape from a deserted island.
The Cube ( 1997 ). Just watched this on The Horror Channel. Seven people trapped in a giant cube with different rooms to get through. Many of the rooms are booby trapped while others are safe to go through. Will be generous and give it a 7/10 as am in a good mood though that is down to having had a drink or three.
The Cure (2013) A pharmacuetical company have discovered the cure for cancer, but don't want to release it because they make too much profit from cancer treatments. Except a couple young scientists want to release it for the betterment of mankind! God this is horrible, cheap, sappy, lots of flashbacks, and no actual science. Awful.
Superb entry in the MCU, probably the grittiest Marvel film to date. The political overtones and espionage themes worked very well and the action was great, made even better by the heavy use of practical effects as opposed to full out CGI.
As one of the, it seems, very few fans of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, I was very interested how they were going to tie it all in, but having watched the latest episode (which seems to be set just before Winter Soldier) they've done a very good job. If they keep this up and the overall stories of the movies continue to weave themselves into the show, I think it will make it a lot better.
Cube (8/10) is a very good film, probably prefer Cube Zero (9/10) I think it is which is the third in the set. The Hypercube film isn't quite as good (6/10), although it is interesting in as much as it isn't simply about three dimensions and has some interesting characters, even if the ending is a bit of an anti-climax. I think they're all interesting from a psychological perspective, some giving up hope while others persist and try to keep the group working together, not entirely dissimilar to Saw II, and how the characters interact. Cube Zero literally poses the question "do you believe in god?" at one stage, I won't say any more or give it any context, but it is a fascinating watch if gruesome in places like the start of the last film. Watched Final Destination 6/10 last night, probably the first time I've watched it in its entirety (due to ads usually ticking me off, or something else being on) Does rather go through the motions when you know, or more relevantly the lead knows, what is going on. Maybe I'm being a bit under generous with my score, depends if you like that kind of flick
Yeah ok maybe not a crock of shite, was a tad harsh there but was not a great film. I do realise it is a cult classic to many though. Wasn't that film actually banned from being released on video at one time.
Indeed, it's one of the original Video Nasties. There were three films, and they get worse as they went on. The third film has a lot of fans, but I think it's awful. Parts 2 and 3 are played as out and out comedies, whereas the first had more horror. Given this was the first film to get wide distribution from Director Raimi, and that he went on to direct three Spiderman movies, and the okay horror of Drag Me To Hell, he did well for himself. Evil Dead was a low budget film, as such they did brilliantly. Bruce Campbell has made a career off the film. This was recently remade, but the remake doesn't get close to the original, imo.
Bourne Identity 8/10 - solid film, only real criticism is they just get pursued from one place to another so it's just one long chase. Oh and the closing track is worthy of mention. Wouldn't load as a video so the link's below
Apparently the first half of SHIELD is shite but it picks up. I watched the first few episodes and was not impressed. Would you say it improves as it goes? Would you say it begins to compare to other quality TV shows around these days?
Well it's certainly not as good as something with huge budgets like Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, but it has gotten better as it's gone on, it's still a bit cheesy but that's part of it's charm for me.