R.I.P Sir Bobby Robson

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by TrentSide, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Northern Lad

    Northern Lad Registered User

    Jul 16, 2008
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    Newcastle United, and Yeovil Town
  2. Majika

    Majika Quakers Loyalist

    Jul 21, 2008
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    R.I.P Sir Bobby

    A true football man, an absolute legend and will be sadly missed across the football world.

  3. Jome

    Jome Registered User

    Jul 16, 2008
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    I just can't believe it :(:(

    Will be going down to PR tomorrow to pay my respects, can't even put what I'm feeling into words.

    R.I.P Sir Bobby, you will live in our hearts forever.
  4. 10 Rivaldo

    10 Rivaldo Live in US - 100% English

    Sep 12, 2001
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    Man Utd
    R.I.P Bobby Robson, football legend
  5. Uncle33

    Uncle33 Registered User

    Jul 10, 2002
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    A truely great legend of football who will be sorely missed.

    May he rest in peace.
  6. VIII

    VIII ~ The Sand Dancer ~

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Newcastle United
    "If we invite any player up to the Quayside to see the girls and then
    up to our magnificent stadium, we will be able to persuade any player to

    Just one of his hundreds of memorable quotes !!! :clap:

    R.I.P Sir Bobby Robson !
  7. Jarv

    Jarv Angry Pirate

    Mar 30, 2004
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    R.I.P - Legend :(
  8. A Gooner

    A Gooner Registered User

    Jan 3, 2008
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  9. JoeH.

    JoeH. Lockiebot.

    May 20, 2009
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    Arsenal, England
    Five years ago Bobby Robson was in charge of Newcastle. Can't believe that time has gone so quickly and Sir Bobby finally deteriorated so quickly. :(

    He was manager of England for one of my favourite summers - 1990. The World Cup was the major part of me loving that summer. Also he nearly came to us, Arsenal, but Porto wouldn't let him go.

    One of the best English managers of all time, not least becase he was so damn good abroad for a number of clubs. Sir Bobby really was a credit to his country. All that and a universally loved man too. I think it's fair to say Sir Bobby had an amazing life. :)
    #289 JoeH., Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
  10. Missionary

    Missionary First Double Winners!

    Feb 2, 2006
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    The one and only North End
    We should petition the fa to have the man of the match award at the fa cup final to be always called the sir bobby dobson man of the match award. This way the man and the humility and nobleness that he stood for will always be remembered at our showpiece final each year.
  11. Tractorboy Tom

    Tractorboy Tom Jewell out.

    May 21, 2005
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    Ipswich Town
  12. AB2002

    AB2002 That guy from that thing

    Jul 9, 2002
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    Leeds United
    Thanks for the pics TBT. Some lovely tributes to the great man on this thread.

    Can I make a suggestion to move this thread to the Hall of Fame in a few days?
  13. The Fuzz

    The Fuzz Registered User

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Somewhere in the US
    Manchester United
    Yes,I believe that would be fitting.

    EDIT - Just thought I tell you, today at football practice all of us gave a minute of silence to the man. Just shows the reach of the man.
  14. Tshabs

    Tshabs Fears Heights

    May 4, 2008
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    West Ham
  15. Chefuberjuice

    Chefuberjuice in flight forever.

    Sep 2, 2008
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    Good pictures Tom.
  16. yato

    yato Good Ale And The Vale

    Jun 19, 2009
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    port vale
    Totally agree nice call :thumb
  17. Delilah

    Delilah Moderator
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    May 20, 2002
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    Perth, Republic of Westralia
    Stoke City & England
    I was devastated when I heard this yesterday. I was extremely lucky to have met the great man himself. We were walking down the street in Berlin on the day off the World Cup Final in 2006 and he was walking towards us. I think he was getting a bit fed up with people stopping him but he didn't refuse anybody a handshake or photo. True gentleman and a legend of the game.

    RIP Sir Bobby Robson :(

    Great pics as well TT. Just been looking at Jez's as well on his Facebook profile
  18. StretfordEnd

    StretfordEnd Fools can be kings
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    Jul 9, 2002
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    20 Times Champions
    Agreed, I'll move it after the great man has been laid to rest.
  19. lfcarmy

    lfcarmy We've won it 5 times!!!!

    Apr 12, 2008
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    Just watching a programe on him now....

    What a lovely man...a great man!
  20. StretfordEnd

    StretfordEnd Fools can be kings
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    Jul 9, 2002
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    20 Times Champions
    A few tributes from his peers and those that knew him:

    Paul Gascoigne:

    "I'm speechless. I'm devastated. Bobby was like my second dad. I was like a son to him.

    "I can't describe how much he meant to me. I've just been crying for three hours, and I've come to see my mum and my dad. It's just unbelievable.

    "He gave me a chance to play in the World Cup. I can't really talk that much because I just want to cry, that's all.

    "I love him. And his wife Elsie - I'll always be there for her. I'm sort of numb."

    Bryan Robson:

    "He called me his Captain Marvel and it stuck for the rest of my playing career. It made me very proud but it was only typical of the respect he earned from myself and the rest of the dressing room.

    "I have never come across anybody with such a passion for football. We had a tremendous personal relationship as manager and skipper.

    "Any criticism he had of a player was kept very private and publicly he gave all of us his total backing.

    "We stayed pretty close even towards the end and, along with many other friends, I enjoyed his company in Portugal playing in his Golf Classic. He will be missed by everybody who knew him."

    Gordon Brown:

    "I was extremely saddened to hear of the death of Sir Bobby Robson. I had the privilege of meeting Bobby on many occasions. He epitomised everything that is great about football in this country.

    "His passion, patriotism, dedication and professionalism knew no equal during his time both as a player and a manager.

    "His remarkable achievements as manager of Ipswich Town and then of England are among the most distinguished in English football history, and he was able to replicate that extraordinary success during his time at PSV Eindhoven, Porto and Barcelona.

    "Over the past few years, he fought cancer with his characteristic tenacity and good humour.

    "He will be sorely missed - not only in Newcastle and Ipswich, both of whom he served with such devotion, but by all sports fans in our country. My sincere condolences go to his wife Elsie and his family."

    Jose Mourinho:

    "Bobby Robson is one of those people who never die, not so much for what he did in his career, for one victory more or less, but for what he knew to give to those who had, like me, the good fortune to know him and walk by his side," said Mourinho, who was Robson's assistant at Barcelona.

    "My thoughts and embraces go to all his loved ones."

    George Burley:

    "It was a big decision for me and my parents to make such a long journey at that age," said Burley, who played under Robson after leaving his home in Ayrshire to join Ipswich as a 15-year-old.

    "But Sir Bobby was like a father to me, taking a personal interest in me right from the start, always checking whether I was happy. His support and enthusiasm was the perfect cure for homesickness and helped my career to get off the ground and thrive.

    "I'll never forget when in 1973, the day before we played Manchester United at Old Trafford, he took me to one side and told me I would be making my first-team debut. I was 17 and the player I had to mark just happened to be George Best.

    "My parents came down from Scotland to watch the game and I remember him getting off the team bus and presenting them with two directors' box tickets. We lost 3-0 but Sir Bobby was magnificent, telling me how well I'd played. It did wonders for my confidence.

    "I went on to play over 500 games for Ipswich in a side that drew inspiration from its manager. From 1972 we qualified for European competitions nine out of 10 years which was remarkable considering the size of our squad and our standing as a small-town club.

    "That was all down to his man-management, tactics and judgement. No finer example of that was when, after we won the FA Cup, he sold Brian Talbot to Arsenal for £450,000 and spent less than that to bring in that fabulous Dutch pair Arnold Muhren and Frans Thijssen.

    "I could not possibly get my head round how my career would have gone had it not been for Sir Bobby Robson. I owe him everything and I only hope I can be guided by the example he showed me."

    Fabio Capello:

    "Sir Bobby was a wonderful man, a real gentleman. I remember very well the times I managed my teams against him.

    "The first time being when Bobby was manager of Barcelona and I was in my first season with Real Madrid. Later, when he was Newcastle manager and I was with Roma we faced each other - as opponents, but always friends.

    "Of course, I recall Bobby as a manager with Ipswich, but more so with England. To manage the national team for so long was a remarkable achievement, and we all remember how close he came to leading England to the World Cup Final in Italy.

    "He went on to enjoy success with PSV Eindhoven, Porto, Sporting Lisbon and Barcelona before returning to 'home' with Newcastle.

    "Earlier this year I spent some time with Bobby when he opened the new cancer treatment centre, for which he worked so hard to raise funds. He was a fantastic man, and loved by so many people. His spirit and courage was incredible. To fight cancer so many times really showed the strength of the man.

    "All the time we spoke over a cup of coffee with his close family, his passion for football shone through.

    "He loved the game and was extremely proud of his country and the North East region.

    "I also recall the tribute dinner the LMA [League Managers' Association] hosted for Bobby when he wasn't planning to say more than a few words. In the end he stayed on the stage for a very long time, telling story after story, much to everyone's amusement.

    "It's extremely sad that Sir Bobby has lost his final fight against cancer, but he will never be forgotten. He really was a great man."

    Pep Guardiola:

    "It was a pleasure to know him, not only as a coach but also as a person. It was a marvellous experience.

    "It was a very difficult season, even though we won three trophies. Despite the problems of that year, he never lost his composure and always behaved like a gentleman."

    Terry Venables:

    "It is a really sad day. He has always been a fighter and he has really fought everything that has been thrown at him but he has just run out of luck this time.

    "We came across each other many times whether on ITV for World Cups, or playing against each other - we go back that far.

    "You just thought he was indestructible and he would get over everything, but of course it comes to everybody. He has been suffering for a while and he has shown great bravery and always in a dignified fashion.

    "He has been a credit to everybody, he has been a credit to his country, his family and himself. I spoke to him five weeks ago on the phone and he was as you imagine to be, still talking about football and he was trying hard to battle away."

    Graham Taylor:

    "I first met Bobby in the very early 70s when I was a young manager at Lincoln City, just finding my way.

    "I met him on a coaching course at Lilleshall. From that meeting, he invited myself to spend a day with him at Ipswich to see what he was doing, what he was trying to do.

    "He was so enthusiastic. For a manager to do that for a young manager now, you don't get that too often. So I owe Bobby Robson a lot."

    Sven-Goran Eriksson:

    "First of all he was beyond football a great man, one of the kindest people I ever met.

    "He helped me a great deal when I was a young coach and I visited him in Ipswich. He took me, an unknown coach from Sweden, down into the dug-out and explained the tactics.

    "The year after Ipswich won the Uefa Cup, my team Gothenburg won it and he came and presented the trophy to me.

    "When I became coach of England I called him many times and he was always generous with his advice and helpful.

    "It seems he was as friendly to everybody as he was to me. In fact for me, he was the special one."

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