Orphan Parents adopt a child who isn't quite what she first seems. It laid some nice groundwork and seemed a film of good calibre for probably 45 minutes or so. However, it progressively got more and more ridiculous as it went on. There was still at least a semblance of credibility until the reveal/twist, following which it all turned to absolute shit. From that point, the conclusion of the film was one befitting a lazy and mediocre thriller, abound with clichés. The tone of the film had been generally dark and unnerving, but at this point it changed so significantly - it was like the ending to a cheesy 80s horror film, totally cringeworthy. Overall an average-at-best film, could've been so much more. Disappointing after a promising start.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 8.5/10 Really enjoyed this. The acting, the characters, the soundtrack; all of it was great.
Metro Manila Foreign film (asian) about a family of rice farmers moving to the city due to the price of rice going down. While in the city the wife ends up in a topless bar, while the husband gets a job with a security company. To be honest the film is pretty dull. The poor guy in the lead roll is just getting turned over time and again, and you know it'll all end badly. A bit gloomy this, and I'm not sure how I made it through the two hour running time. I wouldn't recommend it - it's well made, but there's nothing about it that causes me to say others should spend the time with it.
Crackin' movie... Long ?? That was the cut down version .The original is two films over 4 hours! As usual I disagree .I thought the end was really uplifting ! Enjoyed this a lot . I have spent a fair bit of time in Manila and could relate to some of the desperation of the Fillipinos in the film.You see it all the time there, Manila is a very tough city to deal with!
Superb film and i was thinking a few days ago it's about time i watched it again, feck all on tel.ly tonight so sorted!
Uplifting?!?! There are no spoilers in this thread, but that was anything but uplifting. I'm sure it portrays life in Manila well, but as a movie it was gloomy and didn't offer much. Still, each to their own, this just wasn't very impressive. Almost Human Low budget sci-fi that doesn't quite manage to cross the line between bad and good. It has that general air of teetering on the edge of amateur theatre about it. There idea isn't new (a guy is abducted by aliens and then returned) and despite a little gore it never really grips either. Alright, but no more.
Yeah, I think at least one of them, if not both, run to 2hrs20. Both brilliant. I picked up both on blu-ray for £7 or something like that, would highly recommend, since TV will always show the inferior western version. It's a fantastic looking blu-ray as well. I had wanted to see a good Romance of the Three Kingdoms film for a while, but these surpassed all expectations, really blew me away.
dallas buyers club, the main man lost a fair bit of weight to play that part . not really my sort of film but the girlfriend wanted to see it. Wasn't too bad. Had to google it to find out who it was who played the main part because i knew i recognized him but wasn't certain
Captain America: The Winter Soldier 10/10 Best Marvel movie by a huge distance. great CGI, great acting and a great arse on ScarJo. Well done appearances by characters from previous films too. Frozen - 6/10 Generic Disney story, but great animation. Kristen bell has hell of a voice too. How the film made a billion is beyond me though, seems Disney can break a billion on films without trying now, they're doing something right.